A:lhtel means ‘they, them‘. This word is very similar to álhtel – ‘to eat’, but the two words are not related, and you pronounce them slightly differently.
Stl’ep means ‘depth‘ or ‘bottom’. It is the noun form of tlép – ‘deep, low’.
Memory Game! – Colours Level 1
Memory game for practicing colours.
Tl’ep means ‘deep‘ or ‘‘low’.
Chémet means ‘to pack on the back‘ or ‘to carry on the back‘.
Kw’as la súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh.
Kw’as la súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh means ‘…in order to look for pitch, pitch wood’. Literally it means ‘That you go look for pitch, pitch wood‘.
…súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh
…Súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh means ‘…To look for pitch, pitch wood’‘.
Súq’em means ‘to look for’‘ or ‘to seek’.
kw’íxw siyólh
Kw’íxw siyólh means ‘pitch wood’.
Kw’íxw means ‘sap’ or ‘pitch’. You can also use kwíxw for ‘rubber’, or ‘gum’.
Siyólh means ‘wood’ or ‘firewood’. You can use it for a piece of wood, a plank of wood, or a few pieces of wood together.
Yewál kw’as la kw’íyeqel lam te smámelet
Yewál kw’as la kw’íyeqel lam te smámelet means ‘First you climb to the mountains‘.
Smámelet is another word for ‘mountain’ or ‘mountains’. Surprisingly, you can use the same form to mean ‘pebble’, or ‘small stone’.
Smált means ‘rock’ or ‘stone’. You can use it for any size of stone—and even for a whole mountain.
yewál kw’as la kw’íyeqel
Yewál kw’as la kw’íyeqel means ‘first you climb‘.
Kw’íyeqel means ‘to mountain climb’, or ‘to rock climb’‘. You can also use it to talk about climbing a hill.
Kw’íy means ‘to climb, to rise up’.
Yewá:l means ‘first’‘
Mekw’, q’eq’ó te swíyeqe.
Mekw’, q’eq’ó te swíyeqe. means ‘Everything, along with the man.‘
Osu le xwá mekw’stám le xwá sqwóqwiyel
Osu le xwá mekw’stám le xwá sqwóqwiyel means ‘Everything becomes green.‘