P’óth’es means ‘baby basket’.

P’óth’es means ‘baby basket’.
Lhéltel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘canoe bailer’‘.
Kw’óqwletstel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘axe’. Elders use this for larger axes, including the large double-headed ones.
Kw’óxwe is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘box’. Elders use it for modern boxes as well as traditional boxes.
Lemlémet ya’ t’elt’álew means ‘cross your arms’‘.
T’elt’álew means ‘arms’, it is the plural form of t’álew – ‘arm’.
T’álew means ‘arm’.
Use this dialogue to have simple conversations about colours. The dialogue uses lepót (cup) as an example, but you can substitute any other objects, such as articles of clothing.
Once you know your basic colours, use the pattern shown in this dialogue to have simple conversations with your family.
This is another practice video for reviewing Halq’eméylem Colours. This is a more advanced version: you have just three seconds to say each colour before the Elders!