Ewéta kw’ewat lheq’élexw means ‘no-one knew (anything)’‘, (lit. ‘No-one knew (it)’.

Ewéta kw’ewat lheq’élexw means ‘no-one knew (anything)’‘, (lit. ‘No-one knew (it)’.
Ewéta mimele’ó:ylha means ‘There was no doll’.
Wáyel qelsu súq’t thel méle means ‘Next day I looked for my doll’. (Literally Elizabeth says ‘child’, rather than ‘doll’.)
Olsu súqt thel méle means ‘So I looked for my doll’. (Literally Elizabeth says ‘child’, rather than ‘doll’.)
Olsu… means ‘So I…’
Wáyel means ‘to dawn, to become day’. It is the base form for swáyel – ‘day’
Osu me lhíts’etes yutl’ólem means ‘So they cut it up’ .
Yutl’ólem means ‘they, them’.
Tl’ís kw’es télexwes we is stám kw’es alxwítsel means ‘(They) wanted to find out what was inside’.
…stám kw’es alxwítsel means ‘…what was inside’.