Te swas sxélcha means ‘his own catch’. Another translation would be ‘HIS catch’, emphasizing ‘his’. Literally it means ‘the own-of (him) catch’, where ‘him’ is understood from context’.

Te swas sxélcha means ‘his own catch’. Another translation would be ‘HIS catch’, emphasizing ‘his’. Literally it means ‘the own-of (him) catch’, where ‘him’ is understood from context’.
Yeléwel éy te sqá:qs means ‘His littler brother is better’ . Literally: ‘More good (is) the younger.sibling of (him)’).
Yeléwel éy te sqá:q means ‘The littler brother is better’. Literally it translates as:’the younger sibling (is) more good’).
Yeléwel ey means ‘better’ (literally ‘more good’, or ‘surpassingly good’).
Qex̲ te sxélches means ‘He catches a lot’ . Literally it means ‘Much (is) his catch.’
Te sxélches means’his catch’ (i.e. in hunting), or ‘what he caught’.
Chxélcha means ‘to catch game’, as in hunting. You can use this word to talk about catching animals, birds, or fish.
Schechewót te John te lámes há:we means’John is skilled at hunting’. A literal translation would be ‘John is smart/skilled if/when he goes hunting’.
Háwe is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to hunt’.
Schewót means ‘smart’, ‘skilled’, or ‘good at’.