Su lám o mámt tútl’o means ‘So he just went and gave them away’.

Su lám o mámt tútl’o means ‘So he just went and gave them away’.
Slhíxws is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Wednesday’. Literally Sthíxws means ‘third period, third cycle‘.
“X̲élh kw’el sqwálewel”, x̲ét’e. “Tl’o ta’ sqá:q il totí:lt!” x̲ét’e. means ‘I’m sorry, I was thinking of your brother.’
…il totí:lt is a partial sentence, meaning ‘…that I was thinking of’.
Wowistéleqmetes wiyóth means ‘He’s always jealous of him’.
Wiyóth is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘always’ or ‘forever’.
Though it’s just one word, Wowistéleqmetes. is a complete sentence. It means ‘He is jealous of him’.
Wowistéleqmet means ‘jealous OF’. You use this word when you want to talk about being jealous of a specific person. For example you could say Tsel wowistéleqmet te John – I’m jealous of John.
Wowistéleq is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘jealous’. For example you could say Tsel wowistéleq – I’m jealous.
Iti kw’es xwíléxs te John means ‘John is standing here‘. Literally it means ‘Here that stands the John‘.