Hóyòwèlh means ‘goodbye‘. You say this to the person whó is staying when you are leaving.

Hóyòwèlh means ‘goodbye‘. You say this to the person whó is staying when you are leaving.
Lámòwèlh means ‘goodbye‘ or literally ‘go thee well’. You say this to a person who is leaving.
Li chap we we eyò? means ‘Are you folks well?‘ or ‘Are you guys doing well?’.
Tset we éyò means ‘We (are) doing well’ or ‘We (are) doing good’.
Tset means ‘we‘ or ‘us’.
Tsel is the main word in the language for ‘I‘.
Li chexw we we éyò? means ‘Are you well?‘ or ‘Are you doing good?‘ It is a standard way of greeting someone.
Li chexw … means ‘Are you…?‘. In some contexts, it would translate as ‘Did you…?‘.
Eyò means ‘doing good’ or ‘doing well’
Li does not directly translate into English, but is used to mark the equivalent of ‘yes/no’ questions.