Eystexw means ‘to like (it)’, or ‘to enjoy it’. You use it to talke about liking something specific, e.g. Tsel éystexw te slhop – ‘I like the soup’.

Eystexw means ‘to like (it)’, or ‘to enjoy it’. You use it to talke about liking something specific, e.g. Tsel éystexw te slhop – ‘I like the soup’.
Shxwóxwth’ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘crazy‘.
“X̲élh kw’el sqwálewel”, x̲ét’e. “Tl’o ta’ sqá:q il totí:lt!” x̲ét’e. means ‘I’m sorry, I was thinking of your brother.’
…il totí:lt is a partial sentence, meaning ‘…that I was thinking of’.
Wowistéleqmetes wiyóth means ‘He’s always jealous of him’.
Though it’s just one word, Wowistéleqmetes. is a complete sentence. It means ‘He is jealous of him’.
Wowistéleqmet means ‘jealous OF’. You use this word when you want to talk about being jealous of a specific person. For example you could say Tsel wowistéleqmet te John – I’m jealous of John.
Wowistéleq is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘jealous’. For example you could say Tsel wowistéleq – I’m jealous.
“X̲élh kw’el sqwálewel,” x̲ét’e means ‘”I’m sorry”, she says’. Literally it means ‘My thoughts/feelings hurt, says (she)’.
X̲élh kw’el sqwálewel means ‘I’m sorry‘, or ‘I feel sad‘. Literally it means My thoughts/feelings hurt. You can also say this phrase like this: X̲élh tel sqwálewel.