Cheláqelhelh means ‘yesterday’. You can also use a slightly shorter form, with the same meaning, like this: cheláqelh.

Cheláqelhelh means ‘yesterday’. You can also use a slightly shorter form, with the same meaning, like this: cheláqelh.
Sthémelts qesu le xwá qwóqwiyel te syétl’q’tes te kyós means ‘Tuesday he paints his car green’. Literally it means ‘Tuesday the paint.job of the car (of him)‘.
Sx̲ax̲elhát is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Sunday’. Literally Sx̲ax̲elhát means ‘Holy day’, ‘Sacred day’.
T’óqw’tem is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Saturday’. Elders also use T’óqw’tem for ‘weekend’. Literally T’óqw’tem means ‘the string is broken’.
Slheq’átses is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Friday’. Literally Slheq’átses means ‘fifth period, fifth cycle‘.
Sx̲e’óthels is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Thursday’. Literally Sx̲e’óthels means ‘fourth period, fourth cycle’ (see x̲e’óthels – ‘four‘)
Slhíxws is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Wednesday’. Literally Sthíxws means ‘third period, third cycle‘.
Sthémelts qesu le xwá tsqwá:y te lá:léms means ‘Tuesday his house becomes green‘. Literally it means ‘Tuesday becomes green the house (of him)‘.
Sthémelts is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Tuesday’. Literally Sthémelts means ‘second day’.
Yilawelhát qesu le xwá ts’méth’ te yétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘Monday his house becomes blue’. Literally it means ‘Monday becomes blue the paint-job of the house (of him)’.