láts’ kw’es ew léts’es o te sxélches means ‘other (times) he just catches one’. Literally it means ‘Other that his catch is just one’.

láts’ kw’es ew léts’es o te sxélches means ‘other (times) he just catches one’. Literally it means ‘Other that his catch is just one’.
ew léts’es o te sxélches means ‘his catch is just one’.
ew léts’es o te sxélche means ‘the catch is just one’.
ew léts’es o… means ‘just one…’‘.
Láts’ means ‘other, different’. You can also use it for ‘foreign’, or ‘strange’.
Lhi kw’es ew lhíxw o te sxélches means ‘sometimes his catch is just three’.
Ew lhíxw o te sxélches means ‘his catch is just three’.
Ew lhíxw o te sxélche means ‘the catch is just three‘.
ew lhíxw o… means ‘just three…’.
Os lheq su la thq’étes álhtel, mes kweléxwes te sth’óqwi means ‘So (they) spear them, to catch the fish.’.