Xwelítem slhá:li means ‘white person, white lady’.

Xwelítem slhá:li means ‘white person, white lady’.
…stá tset means ‘We were living (at)…’.
Xwelítem is the word for ‘white person’ or ‘European’.
Stá means ‘to live, to stay (at a place). For example Li te Ts’elxwéyeqw kw’els stá – ‘I live(d) in Chilliwack’.
Osu ó:lhstexwes i te kyó li te Wólich means ‘They (were) loading it on the car(s) at Wahleach’‘
O:lhstexwes i te kyó means ‘They (were) loading it on the car(s)’. ‘They‘ and ‘it‘ are both understood from context.
Q’emó:stel is the name for a ‘dip-net’.
Láxel means ‘fishing platform’.
Thélxatí:m is one word for ‘to weave’. You use this specifically to talk about weaving swōqw’elh (ceremonial traditional blankets).
Osu ó:lhtstexwes…. means ‘So they were loading (it)’ or ‘So they were putting it on board’.