Qex̲ te swas sxélcha. means ‘HE catches a lot.’ or ‘HIS catch is plentiful.’ Literally it means ‘Much (is) his own catch.’

Qex̲ te swas sxélcha. means ‘HE catches a lot.’ or ‘HIS catch is plentiful.’ Literally it means ‘Much (is) his own catch.’
Te swas sxélcha means ‘his own catch’. Another translation would be ‘HIS catch’, emphasizing ‘his’. Literally it means ‘the own-of (him) catch’, where ‘him’ is understood from context’.
Yeléwel éy te sqá:qs means ‘His littler brother is better’ . Literally: ‘More good (is) the younger.sibling of (him)’).
Yeléwel éy te sqá:q means ‘The littler brother is better’. Literally it translates as:’the younger sibling (is) more good’).
Yeléwel ey means ‘better’ (literally ‘more good’, or ‘surpassingly good’).
Qex̲ te sxélches means ‘He catches a lot’ . Literally it means ‘Much (is) his catch.’
X̲ is the Halq’eméylem ‘hard-x’ sound. You make this sound by creating heavy friction with the back of your tongue against your uvula (the thing that dangles at the back of your throat). Linguists call this sound a ‘uvular fricative’.
Qex̲ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘much’. You can also use qex̲ to say ‘many’, or ‘a lot’.
Te sxélches means’his catch’ (i.e. in hunting), or ‘what he caught’.
Sxélcha means ‘catch’, as in ‘what you caught when hunting’. You can use sxélcha to to talk about the body of an animal, a bird, or a fish.