Use the video in this post for some more advanced practice with Halq’emeylem colour terms.
Archive | Words
Memory Game! – Colours Level 1
Memory game for practicing colours.
Qwáyel means ‘turn green’ or ‘turn yellow’. (In general, many Elders use the same word for ‘green‘ and ‘yellow‘)
Tsqwóqwiyel means ‘becoming green’. Many Elders also use the same term for ‘becoming yellow’.
Sthémelts qesu le xwá tsqwá:y te lá:léms.
Sthémelts qesu le xwá tsqwá:y te lá:léms means ‘Tuesday his house becomes green‘. Literally it means ‘Tuesday becomes green the house (of him)‘.
Tsq’éyx̲ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘black’. Some elders use it also for ‘dark grey’ or ‘dark blue’ …
Q’eyx̲óles is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘pupil of the eye’. Literally it means ‘black of/in the eye’.
Chílheqw is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘bed head’. You can also use it for ‘bushy hair’ or ‘uncombed hair’. Literally it means ‘high hair’ …
Tl’áqt is the Halq’eméylem word for a ‘tall’, or ‘long’. For example, you can say Tl’áqt te máqels thútl’o – ‘Her hair is long’. Or you can say Tl’áqt te theqát.– ‘The tree is tall.’ …
Sqe’ó:les is the Halq’eméylem word for a ‘tear’. Literally it means ‘water of the eyes’.