Tl’álx means ‘to attach it‘ or ‘to stick it on’
Archive | Torchlighting-words and phrases
th’ístels te smúsmes
Th’ístels te smúsmes means “cow’s horn, horn of a cow”
Th’ístel means ‘horn’ (of an animal), or ‘antler’.
Th’íset means ‘to nail (it)’ or ‘to tack (it)’.
By Stolo Shxweli on October 30, 2015 in Animals, Nature, Stories, Torchlighting, Torchlighting-words and phrases
Músmes means ‘cow’. Elders borrowed this word from the Chinook Jargon trade language (Chinook Jargon may have adapted it in turn from the Cree word for a moose).
Osu ólmetst kw’as e kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi
Osu ólmetst kw’as e kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi means ‘(You) wait until you see the fish’.
…kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi
…kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi is a partial phrase, meaning ‘..see the fish.’.
Osu me o wōqw’ethet telí kw’etha ahíw
Osu me o wōqw’ethet teli kw’e ahíw means ‘So (you) just drift down from upriver‘. The ‘you’ is just understood from context.
…telí kw’etha ahíw
…telí kw’etha ahíw means ‘…from upriver‘.
…me o wōqw’ethet
…me o wōqw’ethet means ‘…(you) just drift….‘. The ‘you’ is just understood from context.