Tl’álx means ‘to attach it‘ or ‘to stick it on’

Tl’álx means ‘to attach it‘ or ‘to stick it on’
Th’ístels te smúsmes means “cow’s horn, horn of a cow”
Th’ístel means ‘horn’ (of an animal), or ‘antler’.
Th’íset means ‘to nail (it)’ or ‘to tack (it)’.
Músmes means ‘cow’. Elders borrowed this word from the Chinook Jargon trade language (Chinook Jargon may have adapted it in turn from the Cree word for a moose).
Osu ólmetst kw’as e kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi means ‘(You) wait until you see the fish’.
…kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi is a partial phrase, meaning ‘..see the fish.’.
Osu me o wōqw’ethet teli kw’e ahíw means ‘So (you) just drift down from upriver‘. The ‘you’ is just understood from context.
…telí kw’etha ahíw means ‘…from upriver‘.
…me o wōqw’ethet means ‘…(you) just drift….‘. The ‘you’ is just understood from context.