Lamexw kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi li te tl’ép… means ‘If you see the fish below…’.

Lamexw kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi li te tl’ép… means ‘If you see the fish below…’.
Lamexw kw’étslexw te sth’óqwi… means ‘If you see the fish…’
Lamexw kw’étslexw… means ‘If you see…’.
Os lheq sus tl’o kw’e le ew í:tet o, kw’áy kw’ses kwíyx̲thets! means ‘It’s always like they’re just sleeping, they can’t move!’
Os lheq sus tl’ó kw’e… means ‘It was always (that)…’.
Tl’o kw’e le ew í:tet o, kw’áy kw’ses kwíyx̲thets means ‘It’s like (they’re) just sleeping, (they) can’t move’.
Tl’o kw’e le ew í:tet o means ‘It’s like (they’re) just sleeping’.
Ew í:tet o means ‘(They’re) just sleeping’.
Kw’áy kw’ses kwíyx̲thets means ‘They can’t move’.
Kwíyx̲t means to move (it). You use it to talk about moving another object or another person (not yourself).