…me o wōqw’ethet means ‘…(you) just drift….‘. The ‘you’ is just understood from context.
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You can translate wōqw’ethet as ‘to drift‘, but literally it means ‘to drift yourself’. This word comes from wōqw’, and the -thet ending means ‘self‘
Wōqw’ means ‘to drift’ or ‘to drift downriver’.
Qasu élmetst kwe’s las tu thatíl qeyálhes me thíyt ta’ héyeqw.
Qasu élmetst kwe’s las tu thatíl qeyálhes me thíyt ta’ héyeqw means ‘And so they’d wait till it got very dark, before making the fire.’‘.
…qeyálhes me thíyt ta’ héyeqw
…qeyálhes me thíyt ta’ héyeqw means ‘…before making your fire.‘.
Qeyálh means ‘before’.
…thíyt ta’ héyeqw
…thíyt ta’ héyeqw means ‘…make your fire.‘.
Thíyt means ‘to make’ or ‘to prepare’. You can also use this to mean ‘to fix, to repair’, and for cleaning up your room or house.
Qasu élmetst kwe’s las tu thatíl
Qasu élmetst kwe’s las tu thatíl means ‘And they’d wait until it was very dark’.
Thatìl means ‘to get dark’‘.