Hókwex means ‘to use’‘. Elders use the same word for ‘to wear’.
Archive | Torchlighting
Os lhéq’ su me chémetes á:lhtel mi te stl’ép.
Os lhéq’ su me chémetes á:lhtel mi te stl’ép means ‘They used to pack it down’ or ‘‘They would carry it to the bottom’.
os lhéq’ su
os lhéq’ su means ‘used to’‘ or ‘(they) always used to’
me chémetes á:lhtel mi te stl’ép
me chémetes á:lhtel mi te stl’ép means ‘they pack it down‘ or ‘they carry it to the bottom’.
A:lhtel means ‘they, them‘. This word is very similar to álhtel – ‘to eat’, but the two words are not related, and you pronounce them slightly differently.
Stl’ep means ‘depth‘ or ‘bottom’. It is the noun form of tlép – ‘deep, low’.
Tl’ep means ‘deep‘ or ‘‘low’.
Chémet means ‘to pack on the back‘ or ‘to carry on the back‘.
Kw’as la súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh.
Kw’as la súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh means ‘…in order to look for pitch, pitch wood’. Literally it means ‘That you go look for pitch, pitch wood‘.
…súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh
…Súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh means ‘…To look for pitch, pitch wood’‘.