Su la kw’íystexwes lam kw’e chíchelh te lá:lém means ‘(He) took (it) to the attic’.

Su la kw’íystexwes lam kw’e chíchelh te lá:lém means ‘(He) took (it) to the attic’.
Chíchelhs te lá:lém means ‘attic’‘. Literally it is ‘upper part of the house‘.
Chíchelh means ‘high up’‘, ‘on top’, or ‘above’. Chíchelh Siyám is often used for ‘the Lord’, literally ‘respected leader above‘.
Kwíystexw means ‘to take up’, as in carrying or moving something upwards. The base word is kw’íy – ‘to climb’.
Ewólem means ‘to play’‘, as in playing a game.
Osu la kwútes te mimele’ó:ylha qasu la kwálxes means ‘(He) took the doll and hid (it)’. .
Kwálxes means ‘(He) hid (it)’. Both ‘he‘ and ‘it’ are not said explicitly, but just understood from context, as is common in the language.
Kwà:lx means ‘to hide (it)’. You use this form to talk about hiding an object. This is the ‘transitive’ (object directed) form of kwà:l – ‘to hide oneself’.
Kwà:l means ‘to hide oneself, to hide yourself’.
Kwútes te mimele’ó:ylha means ‘(He) took the doll’.