Sq’eq’ósthóxes means ‘(she) accompanied me…’. The ‘she’ is not explicitly stated, but you understand it from the context.

Sq’eq’ósthóxes means ‘(she) accompanied me…’. The ‘she’ is not explicitly stated, but you understand it from the context.
Stl’ís kw’es… means ‘(She) wanted to…’.
Sq’eq’ósthóx is a partial Halq’eméylem phrase meaning ‘accompany me…’.
Osu xwe’í:lsthoxwes the xwelítem slhá:lí means ‘So a white lady came to us/visited us’.
Xwe’í:lsthóxw… is a partial phrase, meaning ‘….visited us’, or ‘…brought (it) to us’.
Xwe’í:lstexw means ‘to bring (it)’. Elizabeth also uses this for ‘to come to’, as in coming to visit someone (though there are also other words for visiting).
Xwe’í means ‘to arrive‘ or ‘to come here’.
Li tetha kw’es stá tset means ‘That’s where we were living’. You could also translate it as ‘That’s where we were staying’.
Xwelítem slhá:li means ‘white person, white lady’.
…stá tset means ‘We were living (at)…’.