Mekw’stám te ileqelhtsthóxes means ‘She bought me EVERYTHING!’. Literally it is ‘What she bought me was everything’ (in the language this word order indicates emphasis).

Mekw’stám te ileqelhtsthóxes means ‘She bought me EVERYTHING!’. Literally it is ‘What she bought me was everything’ (in the language this word order indicates emphasis).
te ileqelhtsthóxes means ‘What she bought me’. Literally it is ‘the (thing that she) bought me’.
Ileqelhtsthóxes te á:wk’w, me qwelhí:xel qas tel s’íth’em kapú.qwelhí:xel qas tel s’íth’em kapú means ‘She bought me clothes, including shoes and a dress-coat’.
…qwelhí:xel qas tel s’íth’em kapú means ‘…shoes and a dress-coat’ (literally ‘shoes and my dress-coat’). This is part of a larger sentence.
íleqelhsthóxes te á:wkw. means ‘She bought me clothes’.
Ileqelhsthóxes thútl’o… means ‘She bought for me…’. The base word is íleqet – to buy.
Ileqelhsthóx means ‘Buy for me’. The base word is íleqet – ‘to buy’.
S’íth’em means ‘dress, gown, clothing, what you wear’. You can use it for any kind of clothes, but it is especially appropriate for traditional First Nations dress and regalia.
Su xwe’í q’ólthet kw’ulh la, la hálém the kyó means ‘When she got back, the train was already gone’.
Kapú is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘coat‘. You can also spell this word like this: kopú.