X̲ex̲élh means ‘feeling hurt’, or ‘be hurting’. X̲ex̲élh is the ‘-ing‘ (‘continuative’) form of x̲élh ‘feel hurt, be hurt’.

X̲ex̲élh means ‘feeling hurt’, or ‘be hurting’. X̲ex̲élh is the ‘-ing‘ (‘continuative’) form of x̲élh ‘feel hurt, be hurt’.
X̲élh is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to feel hurt’, ‘be hurt’.
Sqwálewel means ‘thoughts’ or ‘feelings’. A literal translation would be ‘words/talk inside the mind’.
Ew xwlalámetem o tútl’o means ‘She just listens to him‘. Literally it means: He is just listened to.
Xwlalámet means ‘to listen to’.
Xwlalám is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to listen’.
“Chxw xwe’í:t os éwelh qwelsthóx?” x̲et’e. means ‘”How come you never talk to me?”, he said.’ Literally: you (are) doing.what that never talk.to.me? said (he)
Chxw xwe’í:t os éwelh qwelsthóx? means ‘How come you never talk to me?’ Literally: you (are) doing.what that never talk.to.me?
Chxw xwe’í:t? means ‘What are you doing?‘. Literally it means: You (are) doing.what?
…éwelh qwelsthóx means ‘…never talk to me’. Note: this is not the command form, but rather a selection from a longer sentence.