…tl’o kw’ses kwa kwekwchám means ‘…because (it was) crying’

…tl’o kw’ses kwa kwekwchám means ‘…because (it was) crying’
Tset lhí:ts’et the mimel’ó:ylha means ‘We cut up the doll’
Osu qwà:l thel sétl’atel means ‘My big brother spoke’
Osu thet: ‘Wát’, x̲ét’e, ‘kw’e le qelqelí:ylt the, kwálx the mimel’ó:ylha?’ means ‘”Who (was it),” she said, “that wrecked, hid, the doll?”
Wát…? means ‘Who…(is it)?’.
Qelqeli:ylt means ‘to destroy (it)’‘. Some Elders use a related form: qelqé:ylt.
T’áyqemetem thel sétl’atel. means ‘(She) got mad at my older brother.’
t’áyqemetem – to get mad at
Ewéta kw’ewat lheq’élexw means ‘no-one knew (anything)’‘, (lit. ‘No-one knew (it)’.
Ewéta mimele’ó:ylha means ‘There was no doll’.