Losu le xwá sqwóqwiyel means ‘He becomes green‘.

Losu le xwá sqwóqwiyel means ‘He becomes green‘.
Li the T’eqw’ótem osu xwe ew tl’o tútl’o yétl’q’thet tútl’o means ‘Saturday it’s himself that he paints’.
Osu la te Slhq’átses qesu wxi tl‘ó te letám yétl’q’tes sqwówiyel means ‘Friday it’s his table that he paints green’. Literally it means ‘So Friday it comes to be it is the table (he) paints green’.
Letám is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘table‘. You can also use letám for a desk.
Li te Sx̲e’óthels, tl’o te ch’áletstel yetl’q’tes te sqwóqwiyel means ‘Thursday it’s the chair he paints green’.
Li te Shlíxws qesu xwi tl’o te q’éyt’e yétl’q’tes te sqwóqwiyel means ‘Wednesday it’s the swing that he paints green‘.
Q’éyt’e means ‘swing’. You can use it as a noun (as in ‘a swing’) or as a verb (as in ‘to swing’).
Sthémelts qesu le xwá qwóqwiyel te syétl’q’tes te kyós means ‘Tuesday he paints his car green’. Literally it means ‘Tuesday and.so comes.to be.turning.green the paint.job of the car (of him)‘.
Qwáyel means ‘turn green’ or ‘turn yellow’. (In general, many Elders use the same word for ‘green‘ and ‘yellow‘)
Yilawelhát osu yétl’q’tes te lá:léms—tsqwóqwiyel means ‘Monday he paints his house—it becomes green‘.