Te syétl’q’tes te lá:lém means ‘the house’s paint‘. Literally it means ‘the paint job of the house‘.

Te syétl’q’tes te lá:lém means ‘the house’s paint‘. Literally it means ‘the paint job of the house‘.
Syétl’q’t means ‘paint job‘. It is the nominal (noun) form of the verb yétl’q’t – to paint (it).
Yétl’q’t is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to paint (it)‘. You can also use yétl’q’t for ‘to rub (it)‘.
Iyáqt means ‘transform (it)’ or ‘change (it)’
X̲ét’estem shxwóxwth’ tútl’o swíyeqe means ‘That man is said to be crazy’. Literally: (is) said (to be) crazy the man
X̲ét’estem shxwóxwth’ means ‘He is said to be crazy’. The words for ‘he is’ and ‘to be’ are not explicitly stated, you just understand them from context.
X̲ét’estem means ‘…is said (to be)‘.
Shxwóxwth’ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘crazy‘.