Híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o. means ‘His little brother’s house is big.’ (literally ‘Big (is) the house-of the little-brother-of him’).

Híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o. means ‘His little brother’s house is big.’ (literally ‘Big (is) the house-of the little-brother-of him’).
Híkw te lá:léms te sqá:q means ‘The little brother’s house is big.’ (literally ‘Big (is) the house of the little brother’).
Te lá:léms te sqá:q means ‘the little brother’s house’ (literally ‘the house of the little-brother’).
Yeláwel híkw means ‘bigger’ (literally ‘more big’, or ‘surpassingly big’).
Te sqá:qs tútl’o means ‘his little brother’ (literally ‘the little-brother of him’).
Sqá:q means ‘younger sibling’. You can use it for a younger brother or a younger sister. You can also use it for certain of your cousins.
Híkw te lá:léms tl’ John means ‘John’s house is big.’ A literal translation would be ‘Big (is) the house of John.’
Te lá:léms tl’ John means ‘John’s house’ (literally ‘the house of John’).
Híkw te lá:lém. means ‘The house is big.’ Híkw means ‘big’ and te lá:lém means ‘the house’. Note that in Halq’eméylem there is no separate word equivalent to ‘is’…
Lá:lém is the general Halq’eméylem word for ‘house’. You can use it for any kind of house, as well as for animals’ dens …