Yeláwel x̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘My car is faster’. Literally it means: ‘More fast (is) my car’.

Yeláwel x̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘My car is faster’. Literally it means: ‘More fast (is) my car’.
X̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘My car is fast’. Literally it means: ‘Fast (is) my car’.
X̲wém in Halq’eméylem means ‘fast’ and also ‘to hurry’. Note: there is another unrelated word, stím, which also means ‘fast’.
El stl’li kw’els yeláwel éy kw’e lamál há:we, x̲ét’e tútl’o means ‘He said “I want to be better when I go hunting”‘. A literal translation would be: ‘My want (is) that-I (am) more good when go-I hunting, said he’.
El stl’li kw’els yeláwel éy kw’e lamál há:we means ‘I want to be better when I go hunting’. A literal translation would be: ‘My want (is) that-I (am) more good when go-I hunting’.
…kw’els yeláwel éy kw’e lamál há:we means ‘…that I am better when I go hunting’. A literal translation would be ‘…that-I (am) more good when go-I hunting’.
…kw’e lamál há:we means ‘…when I go hunting’.
Olsu ew stl’í kw’els yeláwel tl’eqtámeth teli tl’útl’o means ‘I want to be taller than him’. Literally: ‘So I want that I (am) more tall than him’
Yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ teli tl’útl’o means ‘taller than him’.
Yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ means ‘taller’ (literally ‘more tall’, or ‘surpassingly tall’).