X̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘My car is fast’. Literally it means: ‘Fast (is) my car’.
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X̲wém in Halq’eméylem means ‘fast’ and also ‘to hurry’. Note: there is another unrelated word, stím, which also means ‘fast’.
ye stím te kyó
Ye stím te kyó means ‘The car goes fast’.
Stím in Halq’eméylem means ‘fast’, or ‘powerful’. Literally means ‘goes with all its might’. (Note that there is another unrelated word, x̲wém which also means ‘fast’.)
Qex̲ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘much’. You can also use qex̲ to say ‘many’, or ‘a lot’.
Schechewót te John.
Schechewót te John means ‘John is skilled’, or ‘John is smart’. Literally it means ‘Smart/skilled (is) the John’.
Schewót means ‘smart’, ‘skilled’, or ‘good at’.
Tl’eqtámeth’ te sqá:q.
Tl’eqtámeth’ te sqá:q means ‘The little brother is tall’.
Tl’eqtámeth’ te John.
Tl’eqtámeth’ te John means ‘John is tall.’ Literally: ‘Tall (is) the John’.
Yeláwel híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o John.
Yeláwel híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o John means ‘John’s little brother’s house is bigger.’ (literally ‘More big (is) the house-of the little.brother-of John’).