tsel By Stolo Shxweli on November 7, 2017 in Greetings, Pronouns Tsel is the main word in the language for ‘I‘. Continue Reading 0
á:lhtel By Stolo Shxweli on September 2, 2015 in Pronouns, Stories, Torchlighting, Torchlighting-words and phrases A:lhtel means ‘they, them‘. This word is very similar to álhtel – ‘to eat’, but the two words are not related, and you pronounce them slightly differently. Continue Reading 0
yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ teli tl’útl’o By Stolo Shxweli on February 5, 2015 in Comparatives, Compared to your Brother, Pronouns, Stories Yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ teli tl’útl’o means ‘taller than him’. Continue Reading 0
tútl’o By Stolo Shxweli on February 4, 2015 in Pronouns Tútl’o means ‘he’, or ‘him’. It is a pronoun, meaning that it refers to someone in the context of the conversation. Continue Reading 0