“Chxw xwe’í:t os éwelh qwelsthóx?” x̲et’e. means ‘”How come you never talk to me?”, he said.’ Literally: you (are) doing.what that never talk.to.me? said (he)

“Chxw xwe’í:t os éwelh qwelsthóx?” x̲et’e. means ‘”How come you never talk to me?”, he said.’ Literally: you (are) doing.what that never talk.to.me? said (he)
Chxw xwe’í:t? means ‘What are you doing?‘. Literally it means: You (are) doing.what?
In this context, Osu petá:metes… means ‘So he asks her…’ Literally it just means ‘So asks…’. You have to figure out who is talking to who from the context.
Selchímomex means ‘What does it look like?’ in Halq’eméylem. You can also use selchímomex to ask ‘What colour is it? ‘…