Tsel we éyò means ‘I am doing well’ or ‘I am doing good‘.

Tsel we éyò means ‘I am doing well’ or ‘I am doing good‘.
Chexw is one way of saying ‘you‘ in the language.
X̲élh kw’el sqwálewel means ‘I’m sorry‘, or ‘I feel sad‘. Literally it means My thoughts/feelings hurt. You can also say this phrase like this: X̲élh tel sqwálewel.
“Chxw xwe’í:t os éwelh qwelsthóx?” x̲et’e. means ‘”How come you never talk to me?”, he said.’ Literally: you (are) doing.what that never talk.to.me? said (he)
Chxw xwe’í:t? means ‘What are you doing?‘. Literally it means: You (are) doing.what?
In this context, Osu petá:metes… means ‘So he asks her…’ Literally it just means ‘So asks…’. You have to figure out who is talking to who from the context.
El stl’i kw’es _____ means ‘I want that _____’, as in for example ‘I want that he walks’. Literally it means: ‘My want (is) that ______’.
Schechewót te John te lámes há:we means’John is skilled at hunting’. A literal translation would be ‘John is smart/skilled if/when he goes hunting’.
Híkw te lá:lém. means ‘The house is big.’ Híkw means ‘big’ and te lá:lém means ‘the house’. Note that in Halq’eméylem there is no separate word equivalent to ‘is’…
Selchímomex means ‘What does it look like?’ in Halq’eméylem. You can also use selchímomex to ask ‘What colour is it? ‘…