X̲wiyám means ‘to tell a legend’, or ‘to tell a story’ (used to talk about telling the traditional legends)

X̲wiyám means ‘to tell a legend’, or ‘to tell a story’ (used to talk about telling the traditional legends)
Schewót means ‘smart’, ‘skilled’, or ‘good at’.
X̲éltel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘pencil’ or ‘pen’. Literally it means ‘writing implement’, or ‘tool for marking’.
Álhtel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to eat’. You use this word to talk about the general act of eating (without referring to a specific food), as in ‘Time to eat!’, ‘Do you want to eat?’, or ‘I already ate’.
Híkw is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘big’. You can use it to talk about big objects, big people, big animals, etc. …
Sqá:q is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘little brother’ or ‘little sister’ …
This post is a video-review of the numbers 1-10 in Halq’eméylem …
Ópel is the Halq’eméylem word for the number ‘ten’. There are specific words for counting certain objects (people, trees, canoes, etc.), but ópel is the general word for ‘ten’…
Tú:xw is the Halq’eméylem word for the number ‘nine’. There are specific words for counting certain objects (people, trees, canoes, etc.), but tú:xw is the general word for ‘nine’….
Teqá:tse is the Halq’eméylem word for the number ‘eight’. There are specific words for counting certain objects (people, trees, canoes, etc.), but teqá:tse is the general word for ‘eight’….