letám By Stolo Shxweli on July 7, 2015 in Classroom, Crazy Painter II, Food, House and Home, Stories Letám is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘table‘. You can also use letám for a desk. Continue Reading 0
sítel By Stolo Shxweli on May 15, 2015 in Everyday Activities, Food, House and Home Sítel (also spelled sí:tel) is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘basket‘. Continue Reading 0
alhteláwtxw By Stolo Shxweli on September 17, 2014 in Buildings, Food Alhteláwtxw is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘restaurant’. Literally it means ‘building for eating’. Continue Reading 0
schí:ya By Stolo Shxweli on September 16, 2014 in Food, Nature, Plants Schí:ya is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘strawberry’. You can use it for either wild strawberries or domestic strawberries. Continue Reading 0