Thel málelh means ‘my late father’. Some speakers would say tel málelh.

Thel málelh means ‘my late father’. Some speakers would say tel málelh.
Mál means ‘father’. You can also spell this word má:l (the colon indicates a slightly longer vowel, but the difference is not significant with this word).
Ch’ít means ‘to thank’. Some Elders pronounce this word ts’ít.
Swíweles is one of the Halq’eméylem words for ‘boy’. You can also use it for ‘young man’. You use swíweles for older boys, from roughly the age of ten into teenager years.
Stó:les is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘wife’.
Sqá:q means ‘younger sibling’. You can use it for a younger brother or a younger sister. You can also use it for certain of your cousins.