A:wkw’ means ‘clothing’. You can also use it more generally for any belongings, such as tools.
Archive | Everyday Activities
ch’ít ~ ts’ít
Ch’ít means ‘to thank’. Some Elders pronounce this word ts’ít.
By Stolo Shxweli on September 9, 2015 in Everyday Activities, Stories, Torchlighting, Torchlighting-words and phrases
Hókwex means ‘to use’‘. Elders use the same word for ‘to wear’.
Sítel (also spelled sí:tel) is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘basket‘.
X̲ét’e is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to say’. Note: Elders use this word interchangeably with another word, thét, which also means ‘to say’.
Sqwélqwel means ‘story’, ‘message’, or ‘news’. Note: to talk about traditional legends such as stories from the Transformer period, you would use a different word: sx̲wōx̲wiyám.