A:wkw’ means ‘clothing’. You can also use it more generally for any belongings, such as tools.

A:wkw’ means ‘clothing’. You can also use it more generally for any belongings, such as tools.
Ch’ít means ‘to thank’. Some Elders pronounce this word ts’ít.
Hókwex means ‘to use’‘. Elders use the same word for ‘to wear’.
Sítel (also spelled sí:tel) is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘basket‘.
X̲ét’e is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to say’. Note: Elders use this word interchangeably with another word, thét, which also means ‘to say’.
Sqwélqwel means ‘story’, ‘message’, or ‘news’. Note: to talk about traditional legends such as stories from the Transformer period, you would use a different word: sx̲wōx̲wiyám.