Yeláwel stím te kyós te sqá:qs means ‘His little brother’s car is faster.’ Literally it means: ‘More fast (is) the car of the little-brother of him’.

Yeláwel stím te kyós te sqá:qs means ‘His little brother’s car is faster.’ Literally it means: ‘More fast (is) the car of the little-brother of him’.
Yeléwel éy te sqá:qs means ‘His littler brother is better’ . Literally: ‘More good (is) the younger.sibling of (him)’).
Yeléwel éy te sqá:q means ‘The littler brother is better’. Literally it translates as:’the younger sibling (is) more good’).
Yeléwel ey means ‘better’ (literally ‘more good’, or ‘surpassingly good’).
Qex̲ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘much’. You can also use qex̲ to say ‘many’, or ‘a lot’.
Yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ te sqá:qs tl’ John means ‘John’s little brother is taller.’ Literally it means ‘More tall (is) the younger.sibling of the John’.
Tl’eqámeth’ te sqá:qs means ‘His little brother is tall.’ Literally it means ‘Tall is the younger.sibling of …’. The English word ‘his’ is not part of the Hal’eméylem, this is just understood from context.
Tl’eqtámeth’ te sqá:q means ‘The little brother is tall’.
This section combines two full phrases from the ‘Compared to Your Brother’ story.
Yeláwel híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o John means ‘John’s little brother’s house is bigger.’ (literally ‘More big (is) the house-of the John’).