“Olsu stl’í kw’es yeláwels x̲wém kw’el kyó,” x̲ét’e tútlo. means ‘He said “I want my car to be faster”‘. Literally it means: ‘ “So my want (is) that more fast (is) my car,” said he’.

“Olsu stl’í kw’es yeláwels x̲wém kw’el kyó,” x̲ét’e tútlo. means ‘He said “I want my car to be faster”‘. Literally it means: ‘ “So my want (is) that more fast (is) my car,” said he’.
Olsu stl’í kw’es yeláwels x̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘I want my car to be faster’. Literally it means: ‘So my want (is) that more fast (is) my car’.
…kw’es yeláwels x̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘…that my car is faster’. Literally it means: ‘…that more fast (is) my car’.
Yeláwel x̲wém kw’el kyó means ‘My car is faster’. Literally it means: ‘More fast (is) my car’.
El stl’li kw’els yeláwel éy kw’e lamál há:we, x̲ét’e tútl’o means ‘He said “I want to be better when I go hunting”‘. A literal translation would be: ‘My want (is) that-I (am) more good when go-I hunting, said he’.
El stl’li kw’els yeláwel éy kw’e lamál há:we means ‘I want to be better when I go hunting’. A literal translation would be: ‘My want (is) that-I (am) more good when go-I hunting’.
…kw’els yeláwel éy kw’e lamál há:we means ‘…that I am better when I go hunting’. A literal translation would be ‘…that-I (am) more good when go-I hunting’.
Olsu ew stl’í kw’els yeláwel tl’eqtámeth teli tl’útl’o means ‘I want to be taller than him’. Literally: ‘So I want that I (am) more tall than him’
Yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ teli tl’útl’o means ‘taller than him’.
Yeláwel tl’eqtámeth’ means ‘taller’ (literally ‘more tall’, or ‘surpassingly tall’).