Léqem is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to dive’, or ‘to dive in’ …

Léqem is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to dive’, or ‘to dive in’ …
Híkw te lá:lém. means ‘The house is big.’ Híkw means ‘big’ and te lá:lém means ‘the house’. Note that in Halq’eméylem there is no separate word equivalent to ‘is’…
Sí:si is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘scared’ or ‘be scared’…
Tsq’éyx̲ pús is Halq’eméylem for ‘black cat’. Tsq’éyx̲ means ‘black’ and pus means ‘cat’.
Tsq’éyx̲ is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘black’. Some elders use it also for ‘dark grey’ or ‘dark blue’ …
Q’eyx̲óles is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘pupil of the eye’. Literally it means ‘black of/in the eye’.
Shxwtole’ólestel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘eyeglasses’…
Chílheqw is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘bed head’. You can also use it for ‘bushy hair’ or ‘uncombed hair’. Literally it means ‘high hair’ …
Tl’áqt is the Halq’eméylem word for a ‘tall’, or ‘long’. For example, you can say Tl’áqt te máqels thútl’o – ‘Her hair is long’. Or you can say Tl’áqt te theqát.– ‘The tree is tall.’ …
Théwelhem is the Halq’eméylem word for a ‘to spawn’. Literally, it means ‘to beach one’s offspring’…