A:lhtel means ‘they, them‘. This word is very similar to álhtel – ‘to eat’, but the two words are not related, and you pronounce them slightly differently.
Author Archive | Stolo Shxweli
Stl’ep means ‘depth‘ or ‘bottom’. It is the noun form of tlép – ‘deep, low’.
Memory Game! – Colours Level 1
Memory game for practicing colours.
Tl’ep means ‘deep‘ or ‘‘low’.
Chémet means ‘to pack on the back‘ or ‘to carry on the back‘.
Kw’as la súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh.
Kw’as la súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh means ‘…in order to look for pitch, pitch wood’. Literally it means ‘That you go look for pitch, pitch wood‘.
…súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh
…Súq’em te kw’íxw, kw’íxw siyólh means ‘…To look for pitch, pitch wood’‘.
Súq’em means ‘to look for’‘ or ‘to seek’.
kw’íxw siyólh
By Stolo Shxweli on August 21, 2015 in Nature, Stories, Torchlighting, Torchlighting-words and phrases
Kw’íxw siyólh means ‘pitch wood’.
By Stolo Shxweli on August 20, 2015 in Nature, Plants, Stories, Torchlighting, Torchlighting-words and phrases, Trees
Kw’íxw means ‘sap’ or ‘pitch’. You can also use kwíxw for ‘rubber’, or ‘gum’.