Tl’eqtámeth’ te John means ‘John is tall.’ Literally: ‘Tall (is) the John’.

Tl’eqtámeth’ te John means ‘John is tall.’ Literally: ‘Tall (is) the John’.
Tl’eqtámeth’ means ‘tall’. You use tl’eqtámeth’ only to talk about a person: for a tall building or tree, you would use tl’áqt.
This section combines two full phrases from the ‘Compared to Your Brother’ story.
Yeláwel híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o John means ‘John’s little brother’s house is bigger.’ (literally ‘More big (is) the house-of the John’).
Yeláwel híkw te lá:léms te sqá:q means ‘The little brother’s house is bigger.’ (literally ‘More big (is) the house of the little brother’).
Yeláwel híkw te lá:léms means ‘His house is bigger.’ (literally ‘More big (is) the house of him/her’).
Híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o John. means ‘John’s little brother’s house is big.’ (literally ‘Big (is) the house of the little brother of the John’).
Híkw te lá:léms te sqá:qs tútl’o. means ‘His little brother’s house is big.’ (literally ‘Big (is) the house-of the little-brother-of him’).
Híkw te lá:léms te sqá:q means ‘The little brother’s house is big.’ (literally ‘Big (is) the house of the little brother’).
Te lá:léms te sqá:q means ‘the little brother’s house’ (literally ‘the house of the little-brother’).