El stl’i kw’es _____ means ‘I want that _____’, as in for example ‘I want that he walks’. Literally it means: ‘My want (is) that ______’.

El stl’i kw’es _____ means ‘I want that _____’, as in for example ‘I want that he walks’. Literally it means: ‘My want (is) that ______’.
Yeláwel stím te kyós te sqá:qs means ‘His little brother’s car is faster.’ Literally it means: ‘More fast (is) the car of the little-brother of him’.
Stím te kyós te sqáqs means ‘His little brother’s car is fast.’ Literally it means ‘Fast (is) the car of the little-brother of (him)’.
Te kyós te sqáqs means ‘his little brother’s car’. Literally it means: ‘the car of the younger sibling of (him)’. ‘Him’ or ‘his’ is implied from context.
Te kyós te sqáq means ‘the little brother’s car’. Literally: ‘the car of the younger sibling’.
Ye stím te kyós tl’ John means ‘John’s car goes fast’ Literally it means ‘Travelling fast (is) the car of the John’).
Te kyós tl’ John means ‘John’s car’. Literally it means ‘the car of the John’.
Ye stím te kyó means ‘The car goes fast’.
Stím in Halq’eméylem means ‘fast’, or ‘powerful’. Literally means ‘goes with all its might’. (Note that there is another unrelated word, x̲wém which also means ‘fast’.)
Kyó is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘car’. Elders adapted this word from English ‘car’.