Yilawelhát qesu le xwá ts’méth’ te yétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘Monday his house becomes blue’. Literally it means ‘Monday and.so becomes blue the paint-job of the house (of him)’.

Yilawelhát qesu le xwá ts’méth’ te yétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘Monday his house becomes blue’. Literally it means ‘Monday and.so becomes blue the paint-job of the house (of him)’.
Le xwá ts’méth’ te yétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘His house becomes blue‘. Literally it means ‘(It) becomes blue the paint-job of the house (of him)‘.
Le xwá ts’méth’ means ‘it becomes blue’
Yilawelhát is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘Monday’. Literally Yilawelhát means ‘After day’.
Mekw’ swáyel kw’es éyaqtes te syétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘Every day he changes his house’s paint’, or ‘Every day he re-paints his house’. Literally it means ‘Every day (it is) that (he) changes the paint-job of his house’.
Mekw’ swáyel means ‘every day‘.
Tém:éxw is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘earth’, ‘ground’,’land’ or ‘the world’.
Eyaqtes te syétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘he changes his house’s paint’, or ‘he re-paints his house’. Literally it means ‘Changing (he) the paint-job of his house’.
Sítel (also spelled sí:tel) is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘basket‘.
Te syétl’q’tes te lá:léms means ‘his house’s paint’. Literally it means ‘the paint job of the house of (him)‘ The possessor (‘him‘) is not explicitly stated, you just understand it from context.