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Illustration for mimele'ó:ylha - doll

Mimele’ó:ylha means ‘doll‘. The origin of the word is not entirely clear, but it appears to come from the meaning ‘little child made of wood’.


Mimele’ó:ylha sounds like this: mee-muh-luh-EYE-luh, except that instead of a regular l the l sound in the last syllable is the Halq’eméylem ‘hissy-l‘ (lh). The hissy l (lh) is like a regular l, but with more friction and no vibration in the throat.

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips

Word structure

Mimele’ó:ylha comes from the base word mélechild.

The ‘dimunitive’ (‘little’) form for méle is mímelelittle child. Elders make dimunitive forms like this by partly doubling (‘reduplicating’) the the base word, and changing the first vowel to /i/.

The endings on the base are unclear, but may be related to the ending –yó:lh, which occurs in some words related to wood, as in siyólh wood, or chiyólhgather firewood.

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