A:wkw’ means ‘clothing’. You can also use it more generally for any belongings, such as tools.
A:wk’w sounds like this: OWKW, except that the k sound is ‘popped’ (‘ejective’), made by combining it with a catch in the throat (‘glottal stop’). This final k in this case also has lip rounding (lips stick out slightly).
Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips
Related words
A:wk’w appears as a word by itself, and is also the base for a number of other words, including:
- áwkw’málá – suitcase (lit. ‘clothing/belongings container’)
- awkw’átxw – clothing store (lit. ‘clothing/belongings building’)
- á:wkw’mal – toolbox, toolcase (lit. ‘belongings part’, ‘belongings portion’)
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