Ch’ít means ‘to thank’. Some Elders pronounce this word ts’ít.
Ch’ít sounds like CHEET, except that there is a catch in the throat (‘glottal stop’) after the ch.
Ts’ít is similar, except the first sound sounds like TS
Audio: Elizabeth Herrling
-ing form
Ch’ít has a special ‘-ing‘ form, to describe an ongoing action, like this: ch’ech’ít, or ts’its’ít (audio here).
Elders make this type of –ing form by partly doubling (‘reduplicating’) the first part of the word.
Handy Phrases
- Ts’ithóme tsel – I thank you (use this for talking to one person)
- Ts’itóle tsel – I thank you (use this for talking to a group of people)
- Ts’ithóme tset – We thank you (use this for talking to one person)
- Ts’itóle tset – We thank you (use this for talking to a group of people)
- Ts’item swáyel – Thanksgiving day
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