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La hó:kwexes kw’ses la lex̲éywa

Illustration for 'they used it to torchlight'

La hó:kwexes kw’ses la lex̲éywa means ‘They used it to go torchlighting’.

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling

Vocabulary and Structure

This phrase has the following structure:

Illustration showing structure for 'they used it to torchlight'


  • Note that Elizabeth does not use words for ‘they‘ or ‘it‘ in this sentence. As is common in the language, you have to understand these from the context.
  • la is an auxiliary of helper verb, often untranslatable, but related to the meaning ‘go‘ (probably a reduced version of lám -‘to go‘.
  • kw’es means ‘that’. Because the understood subject is ‘they‘, which counts as ‘3rd person’ (neither you nor me), you have to add an ending –es, which makes kw’ses. Linguists call this ‘3rd person agreement’ (similar to the –s ending in English He walks).
  • hó:kwex‘using, wearing’ (see hókwex). This type of verb also requires an –es ‘agreement’ ending when the subject is third person, so that the understood subject ‘they‘ again triggers the –es ending, to make hó:kwexes
  • lex̲éywa‘to torchlight’

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