Yilawelhát osu yétl’q’tes te lá:léms—tsqwóqwiyel means ‘Monday he paints his house—it becomes green‘.
Vocabulary and Pronunciation
- Yilawelhát –Monday
- osu –so, and so (this is a general sentence connector, often it does not translate into English)
- yétl’q’t – here, to paint (it)
- -es -here marks that a ‘third person’ (in this case, the understood ‘he’) is doing the action. This ending is required with certain verbs
- lá:lém – house
- -s – here the -s means ‘of’, indicating that the house is possessed by understood ‘he’
- tsqwóqwiyel – becoming green
Audio: Elizabeth Herrling
The structure of this phrase is as follows:
The –es ending on yétl’qt is required because the subject (here, understood ‘he’) is a ‘third person’ (i.e. neither you nor me. Certain verbs require this –es ending whenever they have a third person subject.
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