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Illustration for 'paint (it)'

paint (it)

Yétl’q’t is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to paint (it)‘.

You can also use yétl’q’t for ‘to rub (it)‘.


Yétl’q’t sounds like YITT-ull-kut, except that:

  • The first t is popped t’ (a t combined with a catch in the throat to give a popping release).
  • The tl’ sequence consists of the t’ followed by an l (or lh) sound).
  • Instead of a k you say the Halq’emeylem q (made at the uvula). This q is also popped (q’).
  • Except for the first vowel é, there are no vowels between the consonants. If  you have trouble you can say …tl’-ull- qut, but the elders will just say…tl’q’t.

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips

-ing form

Yétl’q’t has a special –ing  form (what linguists call the ‘progressive’ or ‘continuative’ form), like this: yátl’q’tpainting, as an ongoing action (audio here).

In this case, the Elders make the –ing form by changing the first vowel.

Related words

Yétl’q’t is related to a number of other words, including:

  • yátl’q’elspainting (this is a verb, and refers to the general activity rather than painting a specific thing)
  • syátl’q’elspaint (this is the noun form, i.e. the liquid in a bucket)
  • yétl’q’esemto paint one’s face (the –es ending marks ‘face‘)
  • yétl’q’íwsto paint one’s body (the –iws ending marks ‘body’)

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