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to love

to love

Tl’íls is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘to love’.


Tl’íls sounds like TLEELSS, except that the first t is ‘popped’, by combining it with a catch in the throat.

This word is also sometimes spelled tl’í:ls. This spelling reflects a pronunciation with a slightly longer vowel. Both spellings and pronunciations are ‘correct’.

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips

Useful phrases

Here are some useful phrases that use tl’íls:

  • Tsel tl’ílsome.I love you. (Sounds like tsill-tleels-OHM-uh)
  • Tsel tl’ílsome kw’asa iyómex. I love you because you’re beautiful.
  • Tsel tl’ílsome kw’asa í’i. I love you because you’re cute.
  • Tsel tl’ílsome kw’asa thíthaxel. I love you because you have big feet.
  • Mekw’ewwat tlíls.Everybody loves him/her (‘him’ or ‘her’ is just understood, in this phrase).

Related words

Some other words that come from the same root as tl’íls include:

  • stl’ítl’elto love (this is an alternative way of saying the same thing as tl’íls)
  • stl’í –  a want, a need


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