El stl’í kw’es hikws kw’el lálém means ‘I want my house to be big’.
Literally: ‘My want (is) that big (is) my house’.
Vocabulary and Pronunciation
- el – my
- stl’i – want, what I want
- kw’es – that
- El stl’í kw’es… – I want that… My want is that…
- híkw – big
- -s – you add this ending in an embedded sentence (after ‘that‘…), when a ‘third person’ (in this case, ‘my house’) is the subject
- kw’el – my (this is a variant of tel . You use kw’el for remote, distant, or possible situations.
- lá:lém – house
Audio: Elizabeth Herrling
Note: this audio is selected from a longer sentence
Structure notes
The structure of this phrase is as follows:
Here is an explanation of why the –s is needed, on híkw:
- In this structure, [híkws kw’el lá:lém] – my house is big is an ’embedded sentence (i.e. a complete sentences within a larger sentence).
- The subject of this embedded sentences is [kw’el lá:lém] – my house.
- This is a ‘third person subject’, meaning that it is not you or me.
- When an embedded sentence has a third person subject, you have to add an extra –s ending. This is what is labelled –3SUBJ above.
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