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illustration for eyeglasses


Shxwtole’ólestel is the Halq’eméylem word for  ‘eyeglasses’…


Shxwtole’ólestel sounds like shuh-wuh-TALL-uh-ALL-us-tull, except that after the first sh you say the Halq’eméylem soft-x sound. This sound is also rounded (xw).

Note that the apostrophe marks a catch in the throat (glottal stop).

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips

Alternative forms

Note that some elders use a slightly different word for eyeglasses, like this: stole’ólestel. This uses the plain s- at the start (marking it as a noun), rather than shxw-.

Note that other elders use a very different word for eyeglasses, like this: skw’echó:steló:leseyeglasses (literally ‘windows of the eyes’)

Related words

Shxwtole’ólestel contains the ending -óles, for ‘in/of the eyes’. This same ending occurs in many other words related to the eyes, for example:

  • P’eq’ó:leswhite eyes, cataract (p’eq’ means ‘white‘)

    illustration for cataract, have a cataract

    cataract, have a cataract

  • Sqe’ó:lestear (literally ‘water of the eye’)

    illustration for 'tear'


  • St’elmexwó:leseye medicine
  • Kw’qwó:lesget hit in the eye


The -tel ending in shxwtole’ólestel refers to tools or devices. Some other words that use the –tel ending include:

  • Sch’áletstelchair (literally ‘device for putting your rear end on’)

    illustration for 'chair'


  • X̲éltelpen, pencil (literally ‘tool for writing or marking’)

    illustration for x_éltel

    pencil, pen, writing implement

  • Exwtelbroom (literally ‘tool for sweeping’)

    illustration for 'broom'


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