Sméth’qel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘brain’. Literally it means ‘blue in the head’. Some Elders use a related but different word: sméth’elheqw.
Sméth’qel sounds like SMIT-th-kull, except that:
- There is a catch in the throat (glottal stop) after the th sound.
- The q in -qel is similar to k, but you make it further back in your mouth, touching your uvula.
Audio: Elizabeth Phillips
Plural form
To talk about multiple brains, you use a special form of sméth’qel, like this: smeth’méth’qel – brains (audio here).
Related words
Here are some other words related to sméth’qel:
- tsméth’ – blue
- ts’meth’ó:les – blue eyes (the -ó:les ending marks of the eyes)
The -qel ending in sméth’qel means ‘in/at the head’. The -qel ending occurs in many place names.
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